Saturday, November 23, 2013

PSALM 8 AND JOHN 1:19-22

Psalm 8:4 Of what importance is the human race, that You should notice them? Of what importance is mankind, that you should pay attention to them, and make them a little less than the heavenly beings?

What I find so amazing is that the author of this Psalm writes of the importance that the Lord has placed on the human race. He answers the question he poses. He has given us authority to rule over His creation. What would the world look like if we demonstrated the love that God has shown us to the world around us? Maybe the world is going bad at a rate that seems uncontrollable, but what am I doing to demonstrate the leadership and love of my Lord to the ones He has placed near me?  What we need to recognize is that He demonstrated our importance to Him throughout the life, death, and resurrection of His son, Jesus our Messiah! He has given us the eternally important message of sharing this story, the Gospel, with others and discipling those with whom we share.

John 1:19-22 Now this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?” He confessed—he did not deny but confessed—“I am not the Christ!” So they asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not!” “Are you the Prophet?” He answered, “No!” Then they said to him, “Who are you? Tell us so that we can give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?”

So now we start getting in to the story of John the Baptist’s role. The questions here all come from thinking he must be an “important” person who was written about in the Bible as they knew it. It would not have been the Old Testament at the time, because there was no “New Testament” yet. What kind of impact was John having on those around him? Why would the Jewish leaders send people out to ask him these questions…powerful questions that could give him authority in their eyes if he said yes, and yet he didn’t. He knew his role.

Why am I not proclaiming the coming of our Lord in a way that draws questions from the leadership and everyday people? And I do not mean in a wacky way, and I don’t mean in a way to draw attention to me. My point is, why am I not demonstrating the love that has been shown to me in a way that people want to know who this Jesus is? Am I too comfortable in my home with a tall fence? Might people think I am crazy for having faith in this Man? How well am I playing my role?

Lord, thank You for Your Word! I am so thankful that You cared enough for me to send Your son, Jesus! Lord I need your help to represent You to the world, the world that You have placed me in. Help me see the opportunities to reflect Your light in the areas that You have placed me. I know it is Your work, please, help me get involved in Your work!

I am trying to listen!


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