Friday, September 4, 2009


Today, I had the opportunity to meet with a group of men and discuss God’s Provision and His Sovereignty. I am so thankful for this group and the effect it has on my faith already, and I know it will only deepen as we progress in our time together.

The kicker for me today was a discussion of blessings. I don’t know that I always associate blessings with “rewards” of material matters, but I know that it is easier for me to associate blessings with things that can be grasped.

Today it has been redefined in my heart. A blessing is something, anything, on so many levels that brings me closer to my Lord! Can a rough time be a blessing? Yep, if it brings me closer to the Lord. Can a wonderful time be a blessing? Absolutely, if it brings me closer to the Lord!

I am blessed to be in this group of guys that are seeking the Lord. I am blessed when I see God’s glory in the stars He created. It blesses me to read a story of the joy a Mom receives from hearing her baby laugh, while he is sleeping. I know she loves that boy, and God gave her that attribute. I am blessed that the trials and consequences in my life as a result of my poor decisions took me to a spiritual low that allowed me call upon my Heavenly Father! The coolest thing is that He was/is always there!

Our lives are full of blessings; we just need to recognize them!

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